Life is complicated enough.
Simplify things with Chrome.

Runs on ChromeOS
Every Chrome device runs on Chrome OS, making it the centrepiece for all operations. But rest assured, Chrome OS is fast, secure and robust.
- Lightweight operating system
- Fast and boots up in seconds
- Easy to maintain and deploy updates
- ZERO ransomware attacks. Ever.
With Chromebooks, you’ll be smooth sailing within seconds. Enjoy hassle-free maintenance with automatic, background updates and built-in security.
- Offline mode
- Long battery life and boots up in seconds
- Google administrator allows visibility into system security
- With a wide range of devices, find a solution suited to your operations and budget
This powerful, compact computer is perfect for a wide range of uses, whether in the classroom, offices, or powering digital signage.
- Lightweight, space-saving design
- Connect up to three displays with 4K UHD visuals
- Automatic updates and offline access
- Manage devices in Google Admin console
- Built-in security features
For Meetings
Google Meet Hardware
Deep integrations with Google Workspace make joining, sharing and note-taking for meetings simple and centralised. Google Meet now has interoperability with Teams and Zoom, so you can seamlessly meet with partners and customers who run on a different system.
- Rooms integrate with Google Calendar
- Manage devices in Google Admin Console
- Requires Chrome Enterprise Upgrade

For displays
Digital Signage and Kiosks
Streamline digital signage and kiosk displays with Chrome. Update displays quickly and easily, by simply deploying new content to selected devices. Instantly put the right display up in the right place, without worrying about user error and delay.
Simply follow these steps:
- Choose the appropriate Chrome device
- Enrol the device into your system
- Setup and configure Google Signage Builder
- Broadcast message on your display device
Simplify IT management with Chrome Enterprise Upgrade

Manage, provision and deploy across your enterprise all from one place.
Streamlining arduous IT management tasks gives you more time to focus on your core competencies and building your organisation.
Features of Chrome Enterprise Upgrade include:
- Over 200+ policies for users, devices, printers, Chrome Browser configurations and more
- Flexible Enterprise Mobility Management
- Support for SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On
- Manage non-Chrome devices with ChromeOS Flex