Meet the team

Peter Scerri

Tech Team Leader, Erina

What does your role entail?

Delivering network infrastructure, designing and implementing WiFi solutions in addition to providing continued second level support.

Why do you do it?

Initially I was sceptical about working for an MSP, but each customer brings with them their own challenges which I enjoy tackling. There is a joy to be had when solving a problem which has been causing a customer considerable headache, then hearing the excitement in their voice when they see the problem has been solved.

What do you love to do in your free time?

I am a gamer at heart particularly enjoying strategy type games, the team I am involved with has been flown overseas to participate in World’s finals, this has built a team solidarity and sense of family which has continued to grow over these last 7 years. I am also a keen gardener and fisherman having grown up on a market garden. I’ve recently taken up building aquascapes in my spare time, breeding fish while providing them a safe environment.